5 Yoga Poses and Exercises for Better Sleep Tonight

These postures are designed to help you calm your body down and quiet your mind, so you can relax and get to sleep with ease. Try them just before hitting your pillow.

  1. Yoga Belly Breathing: This technique involves deep abdominal breathing, known as “yoga belly breath.” It triggers a relaxation response in the body, slowing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and easing muscle tension. To do it:

    • Lie down and place one hand below your belly button.
    • Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs and allowing your belly to rise.
    • Exhale through your nose. Repeat for a few minutes.
  2. Range of Motion Sequence: This sequence helps release tension and tightness by moving your joints through their full range of motion. It brings attention to bodily sensations, shifting your focus away from daily worries. To do it:

    • Lie down and make circular movements with your ankles.
    • Extend your legs, then bend your knees.
    • Lift and lower your hips in circular motions.
    • Bend your elbows, extend your arms at your sides, then shrug and circle your shoulders. Repeat as needed.
  3. Knee Hug: Ideal for relieving lower back pain, this pose involves hugging your knees to your chest. To do it:

    • Lie down and hug one or both knees into your chest.
    • If possible, hug both knees and rock side to side to massage your spine.
  4. Shoulder Shrug: This exercise releases neck and shoulder tension, common for those who spend time at a computer or on a smartphone. To do it:

    • Sit up straight on your bed.
    • Inhale and bring your shoulders up to your ears, squeezing your shoulder muscles.
    • Exhale and release your shoulders, pulling your shoulder blades downward. Repeat a few times.
  5. Corpse Pose (Savasana): Known as Savasana in yoga practice, this final pose helps achieve a state of “relaxed alertness.” You can observe your thoughts without engaging with them, releasing physical and emotional tension. To do it:

    • Lie down with your arms at your sides, palms up.
    • Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
    • If thoughts intrude, acknowledge them and let them float away. Relax and try to empty your mind.

Incorporating these gentle poses into your nightly routine can create a calming ritual, easing your mind and body into a restful state for better sleep and overall well-being.

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