What is BEAUTY?

  Beauty is a concept that has captivated humans for centuries. It’s often seen as a blend of qualities that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. However, beauty is not just about what we see; it’s also about what we feel and think when we encounter something that resonates with us.

What is Beauty? Beauty can be found in various forms—nature, art, music, or a kind gesture. It’s in the colors of a sunset, the melody of a song, and the smile of a friend. It’s subjective, meaning what’s beautiful to one person might not be to another. This subjectivity makes beauty incredibly personal and unique.

Beauty in Nature: Nature is one of the most profound sources of beauty. The majesty of mountains, the tranquility of lakes, and the vibrancy of flowers are all examples of natural beauty that can evoke deep emotions and appreciation.

Beauty in Art and Culture: Art and culture reflect beauty through creativity and expression. A painting, a sculpture, or a dance performance can convey beauty through the artist’s vision and skill, touching the hearts of those who witness it.

Inner Beauty: While physical beauty is often the most visible, inner beauty is just as important. It’s about the qualities of a person that we can’t see at first glance—kindness, intelligence, humor, and compassion. Inner beauty shines through actions and words, leaving a lasting impression.

The Perception of Beauty: Our perception of beauty is influenced by our culture, experiences, and personal preferences. It evolves over time as we grow and learn more about the world and ourselves.


Beauty surrounds us in many forms. It’s a source of joy, inspiration, and comfort. By recognizing and appreciating beauty in all its forms, we can find happiness in the world around us and within ourselves.

Remember, beauty is not just about appearance; it’s a feeling that gives us a sense of harmony and satisfaction. So, take a moment to look around and find beauty in your everyday life—it’s there, waiting to be discovered.

Yashwanti Rathod

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